Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2007

Description: 11: Silas Arnold kicksback in the band officewhile playing guitar.IO: Kyle Paceinvestigatesthe euphonicsounds of thetrumpet.9: Jordan Rogersdresses to the occasion of playingthe bass duringJazz 1.1: Josh Briles, Kyle Corns,and Cam Cunningham playtrumpet together in ConcertBand.f <p,2: As well as being aDrum Major of theMarching Mustangs,Kaylie Porter plays inConcert Band.3: Melissa Mikolaj playsthe saxoplx>ne in Concert Band.l)iji : I! 3 i ,x \\ ,\ -J8: Lydia Pierson and 7- Eric Kutche andBen Robinson jazz it Ctomonique Tuttleup at the Jazz Band practice duringconcert. class.4: The Mustangsperform smasNnglyat regionals.6: EdgewoodsMarching Mustangsperform Tricatta.5: Part of Edge-woods drumline performs the cadenceas they march offfield.What has beenyour mostmemorablemoment inband?Scuzzard theOur massHas anytNng bad hapDefinitely learning toBuzzard.amount ofpened to Mr. WbIIs? Hmm,do the whole bandimprovement.watching Pirates of theCaribbean at band camp.thing in high school.Brooks DavisKara BenningerSeth HeaddyHannah [Douglas12111091:25
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-edgewood/id/6866
Collection: Edgewood High School

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