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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2006

Description: OohnOoleyZlachParkerNicole F^attonFuture Plans:To do something in music, or tohave a career in computers.Favorite Quote:Rock n Roll makes people doweird things.Future Plans:Go to a two year businesscollege.Favorite Quote:Now listen to me, heres theActivites Involved in:•FACSFuture Plans:Attend Ivy Tech to become anaccountant, and raise my babydue on April 4th.Favorite Quote:People have one thing incommon; they are all different.organ PendergasHolly FieActivites Involved in:•NHS• French Club• Sophisticated LadiesFuture Plans:Go to college for Pre-Medicineto become a Physician.Favorite Quote:The most wasted of all days, isone without laughter.Activites Involved in:• Band• French Club•NHS• AESOPFuture Plans:Going to College! Etc.Favorite Quote:In the desert there is no sign thatsays: thou shalt not eat rocks.Future Hans:Im going to college at Ivy Techto become a Pediatric Nurse, andthen get married and have atleast three kids.Favorite Quote:Id rather be hated for who Iam then to be loved for who Iam not.TrampassFratherJeromie F>resnellWhitney Quimby-Future Plans:Being a fireman.Favorite Quote:Cowboy life aint rthe only life I, but it:Activites Involved in:• AESOPFuture Plans:Electrical EngineerFavorite Quote:Its easier to ask for forgivenessthen to ask for permission.Activites Involved in:• Basketball• Sophisticated Ladies• Spanish Club• TennisFuture Plans:Go to college at I.U. to becomean Elementary/KindergartenTecher, and get married andhave children.Favorite Quote:True friends arent just therewhen its convenient, theyre thenwhen its inconvenient too.Activites Involved in:• Yearbookrufure Plans:I plan on enjoying my life oneday at a time. And if I end upat a nice college making a lot ofmoney, living in a big house witha loving wife that would be okwith me too.Favorite Wuofe:Life is only worth living if yourhaving fun.Activites Involved in:• FACS ClubFuture Plans:CollegeFuture Plans:College, and then go into theAutomotive field.Favorite Quote:Life is a lesson, you learn it whenyoure through.
Collection: Edgewood High School

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