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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2006

Description: ret to be or cominguDoiVt forget to remember me....^A song by Carrie Underwood, which sybolized fhe graduates of 2006.Graduation 2006A Little ExtraRachel Mallory, salutatorian,quoted from Dr. Seuss in herspeech. In the book Oh.the Places Youll Go! shequotes, Here is a wonderfully wise and blessedly briefgraduation speech from theone and only Dr. Seuss.Congratulations!Today is your day. Youreoff to Great Places! Youreoff and away! You havebrains in your head. You havefeet in your shoes. You cansteer yourself any directionyou choose. Youre on yourown. And you know whatyou know. And YOU are theguy wholl decide where togo...Youll be on your way up!Youll be seeing great sights!Youll join the high fliers whosoar to high heights... And willyou succeed? Yes! You will,indeed!On Saturday May 28th at five oclock p.m.the Edgewood High Schools class of 2006graduated with wide support. The commencementspeaker, Doug Sain, former Edgewood JuniorHigh School teacher traveled overnight fromCalifornia to honor the graduates. Sain referredback many times to eighth grade, and how thetimes have changed. There was a rose ceremonywhere each graduate recieved two roses to giveto two family members. Every student walkedon stage to recieve of their diploma, and thenending the celebration with letting off red, white,and black balloons, instead of throwing off caps,as done previously. Many families and friendstraveled far to join Edgewood High Schooltheir 2006 graduating class.(Above) Mr. Bob Jones hugs first son, Sam Jones,after recieving his diploma from Principal Mr.Brad Tucker.1. All the students travel outside to release theballoons and meet with family.2. Courtney Wilkerson throws her fist in the airas she cheers for her last day at EdgewoodHigh School.3. There are many different views during graduation behind the balloons as the students enter.4. Paul Weaver and Heather Wesner head outto the track for the releasing of the balloonsafter they have graduated.WMa ]ra^«4: 3. 148
Collection: Edgewood High School

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