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Access YearbookThe 0 Corral^»pto the dedcated members of ths S Corral Staff of 2004,Vvhat a year! The s^n of a great team s one that pub together to produce a great product.Thanks to the staff members that pulbd their weight ard the weight of others to get ths jobdone! Heather, Krstina, and Jsnnfer, thank you for spending a week at summer camp planning ardoro0zvq the book tor teamwork ard vision during that week really hebed the staff see whatE! was about ths personal stories of EHS students. Eeing dedicated to tell someone esesstory takes bts of work ard serious reporting Thanks to the staff reporters who went out oftheir way to find the real stores behind the sports, ebbs, peopb, lifestybs, academics, ard life ofthe ind^dual student. Senors, thank you for yoir badershp and dedcation to ths book.Underclassmen, thanks for buying into ths dream Heather, thank you for gwng of your weekendsand nights, as well as gwng the whole staff confidence and humor thoughout the process. JsnnyShutz, thanks for being ore who was a quiet pilar of confidence during stressful times. Ronda,thank you for your spunky personalty. Jsnni Cook, thanks for hebing out for the final semester.Krstina thanks for taking the Student Life sseton and g^ing t a face lift.Everyone, thanks for a memrahe year! May God bless you as you continue to chart yoirown storyLove,Mrs. Franklinto my wonderful Section Editors:I can honestly say that ths has been a very interesting year for all of us on staff. ToKristina, Ronda, demy, and dern, I dont know what I would have dczve wthout you girs and I wshyou al the bek in the future to the Underdassmen on staff, thank you for puling together andmaking ths yearbook a success, I wsh you all the Lick in the years to core, hmanda Jdrreon,you are a great choce to fill my postion as the Editor and I know next years book s going to bea success to thczczve who made ths book a success, thank \joi -Heather Renes SturaSEditor-in-Chief: Heather Sturgis Section Editors: Kristina IKoontz(Student Life), Jenny Shultz & Jemi Cook( Advertise- /ments), Ronda Hill (Lifestyles), Jennifer Vandeventer (Clubs), Amanda Johnson (Academics), Sam Jones (Sports), Jena Young& Haley Brown (People)2004 El Corral StaffCommunity Advertisements, Senior Ads, Etc.179. |
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Edgewood High School |
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