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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2004

Description: Stand Dp CommitteeThis year at Edgewood, somestudents have stood uptoophrer and created theStand Up Committee. This newcommttee informs studentsabout the dangers of drinkingand drying and various otherlegal actvties. They believestudents shoudnt drink anddrve or place themseves indangerous and harmfulsituations. Trey are taking astard on the situation bystanding up for what theybelieve in. Many of the studentson this committee do rotwant to see ther roved onesor friends paying theccrsecrence of using abchvl anddrugs. This commttee is madeup of students from alldiffenent backgrounds andsituations coming together asone colectve body to discussimportant ssues that coudsave Ives.Above: Mardy Kot listensintently as Mr. Mterman makesannouncements for the week ofthe blood drve.Rbjit: EVooke Abram gvesinformation about the chainStand Up commttee made forhaf-tinne during a basketballgame.AccessEdgewoodElzabeth Hall, asophomore, wantsto make adifference insomeones life. Shes an activemember of theStand Dp Committee and wishes tohep1 charge othersfor the better. Liz,as her friends callher, wants to be arole model, thetype of personothers canFirst Row: Chris Stone, E3eth drown, Eroore Abram,Mandy Kot, Lisa KliendcrferSecond Row: Pamel bowers, hyce Canmichael, ToddAllenOetermirg the soheduat LisaKbindcrfer plans the agenda forthe next Stand Up meeting.A New degjnhr\zs hyce CarmrhaelIstens intently to the othermembers as they express therooncerrs over fcrmirg a new cub.*The best part of being in Stand Upreminding myself and informing othersabout the dangers of drugs.-ChrisStone
Collection: Edgewood High School

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