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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2004

Description: two:What is a hue?a)A diseasebpifferent shades of onecolorc)5langd)A cooking devicethree:To solder is to?a) Walk aroundb) Eat obsessive}/c) Sint with wisdomd) Join pieces of metaltogetherfour:Still life is a painting of:a) Wild animalsb) Humansc) Inanimate objectsd) L3ugs>I pcked stared 4ass becauseVery otiier. art dass sucks.5ays Megan Rarreyhoove. Kevin MtMatnadds a few finishingtouches to hs masterpeoe.Rtfrfc KrrsthaKoontz, Sarah Prown,and Secra Hawkinspose forthe cameran stared glass.Above: NckZJpoposes for a pictireh art because,everyone warts apcture of NekTired of the same boring day after day routine of takingnotes and completing] busy work? Try an art class to expressyoun creative side. Even if you believe art isnt for you, youd besurprised how you can transform a ordinary idea into a uniquesculpture on painting.Arts a lot of fun, and having art first peroid of the day is agreat way to start out because it relaxes you and gets youready for a splendiferous day exclaims Sylva Johnson. gg
Collection: Edgewood High School

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