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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2004

Description: CheerteadigHave you ever been to a game where your team is bsing? Well no matter what the dieerbaders will always be there to keep the sprtalve. Trey work hard -Ltree times a week, and travel everywhere the guys do. they have sprt for both the footbal and basketball teams.They will always have fun and enjoy being together doing something they bve.I.The vcrsrty cheerbaobrs get together to form a pyramd for starts Ihecp 2. Efyng throrJn the ar, Krista Qioate, gets great heights. 3. TheSencr cheeneacbrs pose for a gfoup peture before a game. 4. Keepng the crowd cheerrg and excited is what these cheerleaders are best at.5. the JV cheereaders have a great time at cheeheadrg camp. 6. Josh Keere shows off has strength by IHthg BLzabeth Hal rrto the ariynmseifi rf15JV Cheerleading: First Row: KyleneBenningei; Sadie May, AmandaMoranski feck Row: Abby Wichman,Shawna Smith, Marissa Sexton,Stephanie VangemertAccess EdgewoodThe Day in the Life ofMissy OBrienVarsity Cheerleading: First RowCourtney face, Jennifer Hat, Jordankindridc, Savannah Fay-ton, BizabethHall, F3ack Row: Magge Harmon,Heather Sturgis, Kristlna Koontz,Ashley Siniard, Missy Otrien, KristaChoate§ §!■ 8 § § ^^ ^N )sKWhen you ask Missy 0t3rienwhy she likes being a cheerleadershe will say that she enjoys beingwith her friends, gettinginto all theexcitement41
Collection: Edgewood High School

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