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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2003

Description: ^ Early tests indicate anexperimental vaccine tobe 100 percent effectiveagainst the humanpapilloma virus thatcauses cervical cancer.^ University of Arkansas researchers discover thatmicroorganisms grow inconditions similar to those onMars, suggesting the planet oncehosted or currently hosts life.S/ For $300 to $1,000 per injection,people craving eternal youthattend BOTOX parties to injectthe FDA-approved paralytici toxin into their skin to relaxtheir muscle tissue.^ General Motors introduces the Hy-wire—a car powered by hydrogen and oxygenthat emits heat and water rather thanharmful exhaust..S =77; ^Mv ^Wf-The nations largest outbreak of theWest Nile Virus hits in summer 2002.The disease is spread by migrating birdsand transmitted by mosquitoes.The gun turret of the historic Civil Warironclad USS Monitor is raised from thefloor of the Atlantic Ocean.Anna Palma/Corbis^ President Bush orders construction of asystem that would defend the United Statesfrom ballistic missile attacks by 2004.-X^ The newly discovered hunger hormoneghrelin is found to play a role in obesityby regulating what you eat and how muchweight you gain.
Collection: Edgewood High School

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