Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2000, Page 78

Description: P\CAV£/v\/C$Whats the best thing about this year?The best thing aboutthis year so far isfootball, basketball,and running track. Ialso like the classes a lotbetter this year than Idid last year.-Todd Mobley-Just to be a senior andto know that Ill beleaving after this year.-Tyler Porter-The best thingabout this year sofar is how theschool got moreinvolved with thegirls soccer team.-Jamie Erwin-The best thing I wouldhave to say about thisyear would be, beingwith my friends, especially my senior friendsbecause its their last year.-Cherise Vayne-In hopes of getting an A, BridgetteWestfall and Ryan Kot work ontheir stained glass piece in art class.Come on, Jump! Ken Mitchell lookslike hes getting frustrated with thefrog because it just doesnt want tojump. Mitchell held a frog jumpingcontest during his Zoology class.Who turned out the lights? BillAtkinson experiences what it is liketo be blind and deaf at theFreshman Party. (J ust having fun! Jay Thrasherand Jonathan Brooks jokearound in the hallway duringa passing period.L78M
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-edgewood/id/5762
Collection: Edgewood High School

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