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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2000, Page 56

Description: Bottom Row: Deanna Newhart, Alana Bogle, Rashea Warthan,Kristin Sheperd Row 2: Abbi Moody, Katie Terrell, ElizabethBaynes, Christie Terrell, Amy Spencer, Amanda Nelson, ErinVagedes Row 3: Coach Terry Quigley, Dan White, Heather Roll,Rhea Smith, CoachTom Spencer, Frank OzugBottom Row: D.J. Lamm, Brian Hawkins, Coach Jon Hancuff,Brandon Clark, JoeBranam, Josh Clark Row 2: Tyler Cooley,Br adProbstjeremiah Ludlow, Robert Pockettejason Cornman, FrankOzugSG1. Amy Spencer comes running out of the woodsduring her cross country meet.2. ii.. 2... 3... TEAM ! The boys cross country teamhuddles up before a meet.3. Working hard. Robert Pockette, Jason Cornman,and Brian Hawkins are running their hearts out during an Edgewood meet.4. As sophomore Deanna Newhart crosses the finishline, she becomes airborne. Off the ground she takesa deep breath. Only 3 laps to go.5. High Five. Robert Pockette, Brandon Clark, andJason Cornman give each other encouragement before a big run.6. Jeremiah Ludlow has a determined look on his faceas he runs the 1.8 mile course.7. Abbi Moody and Heather Roll are almost to thefinish line as they help to take another EHS victory.8. 1 think I can... I think I can... Christie Terrell climbsanother hill on our home course.9. I made it. Amanda Nelson gains speed as she topsa hill.10. Faster... D.J. Lamm and Brad Probst run past aGreencastle opponent in hope for a home victory.
Collection: Edgewood High School

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