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She Whato Qallerglending a helpinghand. She chu% andgroups of teens mentioned on this page, insome wag have giventheir time to helpothers. Shis uewt owtclufrs have workedhard to maintain spiritin owt school, help savelives of those who areill, and feed the unfortunate who dontalwaus get seconds atdinnettime. She officeassistants also do thevtfair share of hclputgaround Edgewood.Shew deliver all of themessages aiventostudents throughout thedag and give thewomen in the office achance ta test their feet..£eadership Gcademuheld the second annual£ack-Jttto give our students achance to get togetherand do mote than justlearn here al E.M.S.junior ddvisorg soldmagazines tataisemoneu for owt annualptom, giving just onemore teas on for owtstudentsta have fun.Student Council held acanned food drive tadonate to the MonroeCauntg United Ministries, giving the hungtua meal at dinnettime.Shese cluhs have donemuch mote than justwhat is mentioned inthis paragraph. Sheahave spent much ofthevt time teaching outand helping other* whocould use a helpuighandrWhistle while you work.Rebecca Morgan entertains herself while bagging candy forChristmas.Michael Kruszynski, MlichelleStapleton, David Fischer, andJamie Giles participated in anactivity during LeadershipAcademy.Gummie Bears galore. TheseLeadership Academy members workedtogether to makea leaning tower of gummiesand straws.Sarah Bockand Nicole•Smith cutribbon to tieofforstu-Meghan Lindsey, an office assistant, delivers messages forthe front office.3Z |
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Edgewood High School |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.