Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2002, Page 85

Description: A panoramic view of life. Seniorslook at the senior class picture. Theclass picture is very popular amongseniors. Pictures from each yearhang in the hallways of EHS.Where to go? Jackie Hamby, SandyBrown, and Darren Dawley chat inthe hallway to decide on afterschool plans.Taking a snack break.Bret Hammond, ZackStevens, Zech Ashba,and Brian DeSmith eatlunch. Many seniorschoose to eat in the lesscrowded , more quietcafeteria.Its a Settier Thing1 Jennifer Waters, Amy Tevault,Shannon Ripley, and StephanieSchonhoff talk during a passingperiod.2. Carl Salzmann and ZakSimmons work on the index ofthe yearbook.3. Heather Brooks, AshleyHawkins, and Brianna Boswellchat during lunch in the commons.4. Josh Hacker, Lauren Shirley,and Ben Gulick talk in the com-5. Class Officers: Andrea Stalcup,Jamie Giles, and Katie Terrell.Not Pictured: Jeremy Weber. Enjoy yourself,its later thanyou think.Tabitha Troxal-Class of 2003Sarah Thompson-Class of 2004 Life is whatyou make it soenjoy it.Sections 85
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-edgewood/id/5383
Collection: Edgewood High School

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