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Front Row — Mindy Sanders, Robyn Baker, Katie Heath, HeatherStapleton, Monica Brooks, Mindy Boyd; Row 2 — Manager Elizabeth Tompkins, Sandy Arnold, Autumn Hickey, Becky Smith, DianeDodd, Coach Joyce Gates, Sarah Roberts, Mary Zapfe, Sarah Atkinson, Manager Kelli Deckard.Listen up. Coach Gates advisesSenior Diane Dodd during a brieftime out. Diane, who was votedMost Valuable Player, contributedmuch to the team especially in thefront row.Checkin them out. Before theirgame, the Edgewood team gets ina line to warm-up. While waitingfor their turn, each player checksout the competition as they practice on the court.Ty^WT^i^h^^2^In a trance. Our Edgewood volleyball team is focused on whatneeds to be done. The playersseem to be in a trance, butthey are fiercely engrossed irwatching for the serve.Blast Off! Senior Becky Smitrsends off the ball to her tearhitters so they can shoot i:back to the opponents. Beck\carried the huge responsibilityof being a setter for the team.128Volleyball |
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Edgewood High School |
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