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How Is It To Be?ctporfo66Things in motion sooner catchthe eye than what not stirs/— William Shakespeare66ACan you say anticipation? SeniorMike Ellis awaits the return of his opponent at one on the many tennismatches.Two thumbs up! Rob Davis, and therest of his merry band, gather to determine their next play in this yearsmanagers game.Many things are expected ofthose in sports. They are expectedto reach for the highest pinnacleand to be the very best at what theydo. The time required for conditioning and practice plus the mental andphysical stamina it requires to keepgoing are enough to scare many people off. Commitment requires courage in sports — and in life. Thereare fears we can share as we prepare to spread our wings and fly onour own.Senior Mark Wallace is afraid ofnot being the perfect father. Senior Kati Griffin has a fear of gettinga deadly illness. Computer lab supervisor Angie Kruszynski worriesabout losing her husband early in lifeand coping alone.How is it to be? Each of us has toask ourself that question. Will we beable to conquer our own mindblocks? Can we step over the fearof failing and go on? That is a decision that each of us must make forourselves.Sports Id |
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Edgewood High School |
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