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wtr<Principal Townsend hopes hislittle friend wont hog the spotlight.It was the first exciting event of the year. It started withSpirit Week when the student body dressed up, candidateswere chosen and paired. Everyone voted on their favoritesand the ballots were counted^Then on Friday the town gathered to the sides of thestreets to watch the parade go by, but not even the raincould dampen their spirit. Finally, it was time for the gameagainst. OVl Players got suited up, cheerleaders warmed-upto start cheering, and fans flocked to the stands to get agood seat, j^^At halftime, the question on everyones mind was whowould be king and queen. Then the booming voice over theloudspeaker finally said Your king is Corbin Baker andHeather Trendelman is your queen. The night ended wellwith Edgewood winning the game 48 to 20, and everyonepiled into the streets of downtown Ellettsville to celebratewith a bit of A. ComstockThe Edgewood defense gets pumpedup for another big play.Attendants: Lori Taylor, Beth Frasure and Lora Authur14 Homecoming |
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Edgewood High School |
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