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M. Baynes determination pusheshim on to victory in the 800m run.!- .:, ^*■*£** l% -, -A* •4th WCC TitleTaking over and steppingin is something the boystrack team had to learn thisyear. From first year coachSteve Ennis who stepped infor George Freeman to manyof the experienced trackmen who were in bandages.Regional and state hopeful,Greg Hottell had a yearplagued by a shin splint andalter a stress fracture. Coming off a broken shoulder,Tim Merry vaulted his wayto the top of the Mustangs.This in no way placed thewhole team on a pair ofcrutches, as they went on towin the 4th W.C.C. title infive years. Transfer student,Brian Walker led in the 100and 200. Jim Hornicks discus and shot put efforts often put him the farthest.Helping to alleviate themissing strength were KevinSayers in the distanceevents, and hurdler TrentAnderson in the vault. Therelay teams of Hector,Srpague, Baynes, Walkerand Staker, Helton, Hall,Mobley both dominated the1600 and 400 relays.Sophomore Bobby Hall leaps forward into the sand pit.E. Mobley and B. Hall shows theirsmooth technique for passing therelay baton.T. Slabaugh shows the right wayof throwing the discus.Off and running, E. Helton, B. Hall, B. Staker hope to set the pace in the200.25 |
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Edgewood High School |
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