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ClassesExcel inExcitementJournalism excelled once again here atEdgewood during 1986-87. The Hoofbeatwas awarded second runner-up in thenewspaper category of the Wabash ValleyPress Conference annual contest. Thismakes the second consecutive year theyhave placed in the top three. The staffworked hard to make our paper a class act.Even though ninth and tenth grade boysand girls are subject to mandatory P.E.classes, they were able to find some excitement in the classes when the boys challenged the girls in a game of volleyball.Some students enjoy the classes enough totake part in the Advanced P.E. programwhich saw some large classes this year.Other P.E. students took advantage of thenew swimming pool. Students learnedproper technigues in diving and wentthrough several activity units such as survival swimming and water aerobics. All inall, P.E. classes provide a way for EHS students to stay physically fit.Finally EHS sophomores and juniors literally set the pace on the pavement. Drivers Ed gave students driving experienceand the opportunity to get their licenses.Students try to do their best in classroomand on the road, so they can get a freewaiver which spares students from havingto take a driving test to get their license.Brandy is ready to roll, but Mr. Redenbaugh hashis doubts.Learning how to drive doesnt end once you getout of the car.Advanced P.E. boys strive for the ball and forphysical fitness.JournalismJfc *JLiaAcademics39 |
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Edgewood High School |
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