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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 1987, Page 34

Description: What was the mostembarrassing incident you had duringa performance?I ran out in front of the band in themiddle of a song ;and yelled, Wait aminute! Wait a minute! Where are weat?!Patty Berg %Senior B___^^^^I knocked Bobby DeStefano off theriser during Puttin on the Ritz andhe fell into the person in front of him. - =■Charmin WoodSeniorBrad Wickens and Doug Stevenstickled me and pinched my backside during a choircontest and Icouldnt move.Nannette BrownSophomoreDuring the Mt. Zion in Illinois, I gotmy foot stuck in a riser handle.Rhonda ZapfeSophomoreOne time during a show, right inthe middle of a song, my amplifierfell over and almostcaught on fire.Matt SmithJunior348| iiinniiQJazz: Row 1: B. Abel, T. Donley, K. Figg, A. Macatangay, D. Hector, J. Mayfield, H. Scott, J. Hudson. Row 2: B.Barchman, B. Thompson, J. Routen, L. Jacobs, M. Smith, S. Meier, J. Morrison, A. Cramer, K. Taylor. Row 3: C.Welch, C. Smith, N. Brown, A. Hector, S. Adams.Symphonic: Row 1: A. Bohall, L. Ooley, K. Ellett, L. Gutermuth, A. Floyd, C. Loy, K. Frasure, L. Kirkland, A.Beck, J. Malone, A. Lehman, L. Jacobs, T. Nice, S. Martin. Row 2: M. Macek, S. McAuley, J. Sexton, C. Wood,A. Cramer, A. Wesolowski, C. Paxson, T. Slessinger, S. Shedd, R. Terrell, E. Bolick, N. Brown, M. Saft, B. Smith,J. Merriman, S. Knust, B. Lucas, J. Hudson, M. Moore, A. Deckard. Row 3: K. Taylor, A. West, M. Rone, CSmith, S. Edwards, M. Hottell, B. Loser, C. Durnil, A. Walcott, CM. Merriman, D. Fiscus, J. Metzger, B.Barchman, C. Chafin, B. Thompson, K. DeWar, M. Pyle, B. Abel, C. Stillions, N. Oliver, M. Smith, S. Meier, J.Morrison.Varsity: Row 1: S. Ellis, V. Bruner, L. Altman, R. Interland, A. Cramer, R. McClary, S. Wistl, K. Jones, J.Chrena, C. Cook, T. Donley, A. Macatangay, J. Miller, K. Figg, S. McNeal. Row 2: M. Downs, D. Stikeleather,A. Jacobs, A. Briles, J. Davis, J. Helms, B. Walcott, M. Anderson, H. Narey, A. Buckles, J. Mayfield, K. Weathers,K. Rone, T. Adams, K. King, K. Arthur, A. Hector, D. Freetage, S. Trendelman, K. DeFord, S. Abbitt, C. Martin,J. Hamilton, M. Hinkle. Row 3: K. Siniard, J. Miller, T. Pemberton, H. Scott, J. Akers, S. Bowman, B. Miller, S.Ford, M. Taylor, M. Hazel, C. Sloffer, C. Durnil, V. Rightley, J. Routen, C. Welch, J. Renfro, C. Bell, D. Dixon,M. Poliskie, B. Hornick, S. Adams, C. McCarty, R. Rademacher.MusicAcademics
Collection: Edgewood High School

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