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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 1987, Page 24

Description: Dreams Pursued . . .Are Goals Achieved ^The class of 87 has always been knownas academically competitive. Havingthree valedictorians certainly provedthis to be true. The three sharing thathonor were Andrea Cooper, TriciaGetts and Melissa Macek. The salutatorian was Steve Kramer. Another talented senior gaining a special award wasAmy Cramer who was awarded the William Earl Brown Scholarship, while Andrea, Tricia, and Melissa shared theJohn Beckley Scholarship.The seniors voted to continue the tradition of having their commencementheld at the IU Auditorium. They werethe third senior class to do so. The newEHS Auditorium was ruled out becausethe seniors would have only gottenthree tickets to pass out among theirfamily and friends due to the limitedseating.Diana pins the rose on her mom during graduation.Matt Pyle, Jeff Mezger, Mark Kirkland, Preston Larimer and Nick Mintier patiently wait outside the IU Auditorium for the commencement excercises to begin.Jon Lane, Steve Sloan, Tricia Getts, Christy Paxson,Andrea Cooper, Melissa Macek and Steve Kramer anxiously survey the large crowd they will speak to.Craig and Jeff pose for one last picture together.I24Graduation
Collection: Edgewood High School

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