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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 1987, Page 5

Description: Students find the commons a great place to relax and socialize.Synchronizing to the PaceThe final completion of the school building gaveit a new look to set the pace for 1987. This completion gave Mustangs more facilities and opportunities with which to work.The new swimming pool brought with it the hopefor a swim team and swim class. Students enjoyedthe convenience of having a local place to swim.Senior Dawn Anderson remarked, Before we gotour pool I had to go to McCormicks Creek which isexpensive and crowded. Now I can swim in a lesscrowded pool which is cleaner, closer, andcheaper! Not all students had positive feelingsabout the pool. Now that we have a pool I have totake swimming in P.E. I hate it because my hair getswet and I get cold and I have to walk around all daylooking like a mop! complained Robin McClary,sophomore.The finalized auditorium, band room, and choirroom offered places for students to display theirI could use a Lazy Boy aboutnow, how bout you, Tory?talent. The better facilities make band more enjoyable, noted junior Amy Bohall. The improved atmosphere gave students a better feeling about going to class. Annette Lehman, senior, described herfeelings like this, The band room is so bright andso pleasant, it gives me a good feeling to play!The added gymnasium and new wrestling roomgave athletes more time to practice. Edgewoodsfemale athletes were happy to end inconvenientpractice hours that had stemmed from them havingto share a single gym with the boys. Senior JennyLatimer stated, Now we can practice right afterschool every night and be out by 5:00 p.m. Sometimes we used to wait until 8:00 to practice becausewe had to share the old gym with the varsity andfreshman boys basketball teams. Wrestlers enjoyed more privacy in their new practice guarters.Theres no noise and we can concentrate better,mentioned Doug Stevens, a sophomore wrestler.Opening5
Collection: Edgewood High School

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