Edgewood High School, El Corral, 1971, Page 47

Description: Interested Students Prepare for Outside WorldComprising the business section at Edgewoodwere helpful clubs to prepare students for theirplace in the business world. One such club was theDistributive Education Club of America, to helpthose people who were interested in businessalong with marketing, advertising, and job experience. Consisting entirely of juniors and seniors,they met every day as a class.Preparing girls for their futures in secretarialwork was the Future Secretaries of America. Sponsored by Miss Baynes, they toured the new FirstNational Bank and sold umbrellas to raise funds.Future Homemakers of America, sponsored byMrs. Puglisi^, bad speakers on various subjects,from fighting MS to wig selection. Highlighting theyear was the annual Spring District Meeting, hosted by Edgewood.FHA — Row I: A. Pu-glisi, Sponsor; C.Boltinghouse, S.Daniel, R. Lane, D.Arthur, A. Fiscus.Row II: S. McDaniel,P. Baynes, K.Hawkins, J. Koon, S.Stephens, K. Libkie.Row III: D. Chestnut,E. Long, P. McAlister,S. Dillman, L. Carter,P. Trueblood, J.Hamm. Row IV: M.Brower, D. Robinson,B. Burton, J. LaShure,D. Carter, D. Wampler, D. Phillips, B.Wagner, J. Baxter.Row V: C. Grogan,K. Bowman, D. Mof-fatt, B. McQueary, R.Hall, M. J. Pearson,J. Glenn, J. Flynn, T.Ashby, N. Wagner.Row VI: P. Goggin,D. White, G. Sparks,A. Lane, C. Kerr, S.Hamm, K. Breeden,M. B. Hawkins, D.Helms, K. Neilson, T.Underwood, P.Skeen.FSA — Row I: MargaretRosenberg, Kathy Hendricks, Edith Long, SarahDaniel. Row II: ChrisClark, Diane Wampler,Barbara Robertson, AnnBurton, Patty Baynes,Diana Grubb.47MM
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-edgewood/id/1058
Collection: Edgewood High School

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