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back onThe BHSS football team had no trouble bouncingback from a tough season.Its been a year since the the lights gleamed on thefield, the crowd roared with cheer, and the adrenalinepushed the body beyond fathomable limits. As the Southfootball players donned their purple and white, only onequestion lingered in their minds: what will it take this year?Returning to the field after a devastating loss toCathedral High School last year was not easy. For seniorHunter Warthan and his fellow returning players, thewounds of defeat fueled their drive. All we had to do wasclick as a team on both offense nd defense to be our best,Warthan said. Click they did, as the evidence of thecohesion presented itself in an undefeated regular seasonand first place in the conference.Senior Sohile Ali thought the record had more to dowith work ethic and less to do with luck. The first fewworkouts of the year were crazy, Ali said. The elevatedwork level was something I had never seen from these guysbefore. Warthan and Ali, leaders of the team, witnessedthe effort in the weight room and at practice which provedto set the squad above every other team in their schedule.Under the coaching of returning Mr. Myron Moriarty,the Panthers earned their second consecutive sectional titlewhich included a victory over Bloomington High SchoolNorth for the second time this season. Coach Mo and theentire staff have done their jobs to the fullest and havehelped us with everything, Ali said.The season came to an early halt with a Regional lossto Castle High School, 45-26. Not daunted, the Panthersended on a note of pride. The team established themselvesas a force to be reckoned with and unconquerable. Wehave to put the doubters behind us, Warthan said. ForWarthan and his teammates, there was no doubting thattheir perfect regular season left it all on the field.- CAMERON MCCLAINEnrpr exposureKnown for their adversity, the footballteam used the post season to reflect onthe tough moments that requiredresilience. For junior Cage Rolen, teamadjustments were just as important asindividual ones. When playing North, wehad a lot of turnovers and made simplemistakes, Rolen said. To improve, weworked on these issues in practice andfocused on improving our defense..;:U;.;.I -—■ |
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Bloomington High School South |
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