Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2016, Page 20

Description: HAM Radios antenna on the roof of South allows this prestigious club toprosper. II. Senior Ryan Cutshall hooks up wires to the radios to ensureproper functionality. HAM connects to just about anyone world wide,sometimes even ship wrecks or emergency contacts. III. Several of HAMRadios awards are displayed in the studio. Bloomington Souths HAMradio club ranks first in the world. IV. Cutshall tries to reach out to otherstations on HAMs radio. Cutshall set a record of talking to 100 differentcountries during a contest. PHOTOTS/BY ELLIE PEMBERTONfor_-_---_______________----------nHAM Radio abandons the usual perception of radio to connect withother stations all over the world, reaches out to millions of differentpeople daily and brings unique experiences close to home.One moment there is noconnection. The next, HAM Radioclub members make contact withsomeone in China searching for thesame thing. From a studio on thefourth floor of Bloomington South,students find a human connectionacross the world.The club, advised by scienceteacher Mr. Neil Rapp, was namedafter the radio pioneers: HeinrichRudolf Hertz, Edwin Armstrong, andGuglielmo Marconi. Others might callit amateur radio.South joined other radio clubsfor HAM competitions this year.Senior Ryan Cutshall led theunderclassmen in these contests,called School Club Roundups. Theaim: to contact as many people asthey can. According to Cutshall,Souths club averaged one contactevery two minutes.As a part of the number oneranked club in the world, Cutshallknew what the expectations were.Our club contacted 102 differentcountries [throughout the contest,Cutshall said. I personally talked to100 different countries, while mybrother, [freshman Trevor Cutshall]had China and Mr. Rapp hadWestern Sahara.Making contact was notinstantly gratifying. We dosomething called CQing, that means
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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