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[abroad]en the horizonTravel savvy South students embarked on a summer adventureacross Europe, visiting cities in France, Italy and England.In June, several thrill-seeking traveled by night from Paris toadventurers of Bloomington South London and while there, on Englishdecided to leave their friends and tour buses by day. Junior Chasefamilies behind, pack their bags and Hamilton enjoyed Paris andtravel the world. Well, almost. These London, but Italy stood out as hisstudents took a detour from their favorite. For Hamilton, the best partusual summer plans to spend time was seeing the Colosseum in Rome;getting to know the culture and it was really interesting.climate of three European countries. Across the 13 day trip, theThe trip was in the works for group visited over three countriesseveral years. Theater teacher Ms. and six cities. One minute youreCatherine Rademacher and looking at the Eiffel Tower and theassistant principal Mr. Jay True next youre at Versailles,worked together to plan, execute Rademacher said. Its awe-striking.and chaperone the vacation. They The ambitious itinerary was theknew how hectic the ticket buying, deciding factor for senior Elizabethlast minute packing and navigating White. White joined the rosterof foreign countries was going to be. because she had dreamed of visitingThere was no specific goal for the these European cities from a youngtrip, Rademacher said. It was an age. I am finally able to cross thoseeducational jaunt that let the kids places off of my bucket list, Whitesee the world in a way that they said. The gardens at Versailleswerent used to. topped Whites list of sights. TheyFifteen students accompanied were the most beautiful things I hadRademacher and True in an ever seen in my life, White said,exploration of the culture, The group, always on the go,transportation and government found time to enjoy their differentsystems used in Italy, France and lodging assignments. The best partEngland. Several detours included was when one of the hotels wethe Palace in Versailles, the stayed in, Deckard said. [It] wasColosseum in Rome, and the Big right next to Wembley Stadium whichBen clock tower in London, is where all of my favorite rockSophomore Daniel Deckard artists like Pink Floyd and Johnenjoyed the experience and Lennon have performed.preferred being in the moment and For Deckard and his travelwitnessing the places first hand, companions, experiencing Europerather than reading about it in a together was a rare opportunity. Thebook. students brought back a new worldDeckard and the group view to South - and the taste oftraversed Europe with a variety of French pastries lingered awhile, too.modes of transportation. They - ellie pemberton0mP> |
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Bloomington High School South |
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