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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2017, Page 149

Description: GIRLS LACROSSEThe girls lacrosse team hadan exceptional season ledby seniors Diana-ClaireHenderson, Mari Walter-Bailey and Shelby Newland.The South athletes becameincredibly close throughoutthe year and felt as if thisbond strengthened theirteam both on and off thefield. Although it was atough season, the playersmet the challenge as theyplayed hard and greatlyimproved throughout thespring. Walter-Bailey alsowent on to compete on theIndiana All-Region team.I. The athletes come together to prepare for a game. Several members of the team believed that theteam chemistry was the most vital aspect of the groups success. II. Senior Shelby Newland defendsthe goal. Newland was an incredibly important leader on the team. III. Freshman Sofia Rife and seniorDiana-Claire Henderson fight for the ball. IV. The team competes during a game. PHOTOSCOURTESY OF ELLIE PEMBERTONBOYS LACROSSEThe Bloomington SouthBoys Lacrosse team had anincredible season that wasonly possible through thecamaraderie and hard workthat defined the teamsseason. The athletes wereled by juniors JacksonHanchett and Dawson Bell.Seniors Joshua Burdine andCharles Mccormack werealso substantial leaders ofthe midfield and defense,respectively. The playerswon key games againstmajor opponents EvansvilleCentral and Bishop Luers.I. Senior Joshua Burdine and freshman Brock Pedersen fight for the ball during a game. II.Junior Gunnar Hanson shoots the ball. Hanson is an midfielder on the team. III. Pedersendefends his team. Although Pedersen was a freshman, he was a starter during games. IV. TheBoys Lacrosse team come together to celebrate a victory. The team had a great season, evenscoring the 2nd highest amount of goals in a single game in Souths history beating BishopLuers 21-10. PHOTOS COURTESY OF BROCK PEDERSENCONFIRMS HEATHER WILSON AS SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE 5/81 TRUMP FIRES FBI DIRECTOR JAMES COMEY 5/91 Athletics 1149
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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