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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2017, Page 141

Description: I. Junior Adenine Kao and freshman Riley Roberts sprint towards the finish line. Roberts had agreat season as a freshman on the varsity team. II. Senior Hope Bush runs the 4x800 race. Bushalso competes in the 800 and 1600. III. Junior Emma Lashley competing in a long distance event.Lashley also runs varsity XC which helps her compete in the long distance events. IV. Senior BaileySilvers lands in the sand pit after a long jump. V. Juniors Madeleine Clemmer and Toudora Galuskahaving fun before their long distance events. Clemmer runs the 3200 and Galuska runs the 800event. VI. Senior Lydia Quinn competes in the pole vault event. PHOTOS BY MAGGIE BUIDJUMPING BACK INTO ROUTINESenior Bailey Silvers, a returning longjumper, has made a big transition betweenher junior and senior year. Due to lack ofpractice time at school last year, she feelsshe initially did not perform as strongthis year as she would have wanted.However, the team has been testingindividuals and moving people around, soSilvers will have more opportunities tostrengthen her jumps before crunch time.Ive been working out with the sprintersand doing drills on my own to help withspeed down the run way, Silvers said.After this readjustment, Silvers feels moreexcited for the season.NASA RECORD FOR MOST DAYS IN SPACE 4/24 DALE EARNHARDT JR. ANNOUNCES HIS RETIREMENT 4/251 Athletics 1141
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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