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ONE Trailing a bright cloud oforange powder, senior ArielleMoir waves her hand in orderto spread some color to thestudents around her incelebration of Holi, a traditionalIndian Festival of Colors.Indiana Universitys AsianCulture Center hosted its ownHoli Festival outside of CollinsLiving Learning Center on April23. TWO Completely coveredin the colorful, scented powder,senior Isabel Cullatherexamines the result of the tenminute color fight. The AsianCulture Center distributed thepackets of colored powder andalso provided prior activities,including as dancing, flower-making, and food from a localIndian restaurant, Taste of India.THREE In the spirit of Holi,senior Sarah Bruner dumps theremainder of her color packetonto the already powder-coated head of senior ArielleMoir. FOUR Still relativelycolor-free at the start of thecelebration, seniors Erin Duffinand Erin Fitzgibbons prepare to^ toss powder in the air, hopingH to douse anyone who passes.By the end of the event, bothI seniors were coated in the powder —enough so that theywere still finding traces of it next| day. PHOTOS BY EMILY MOONnice sliceHere we settle an age-old debate: which local pizza placeis the best in Bloomington? South students decide...OTHERThe [Superwholock] fans arecrazy. Like really crazy. If youinsult them or the shows ortheir ships they will find youand they will kill youslowly. - sophomore_ . CatherineDOCtOr MayWhoMAXS PLACE7%PIZZA X8%MOTHERBEARS15%CAFEPIZZERIA10%AVERS18% |
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Bloomington High School South |
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