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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2014, Page 127

Description: a[track]tive athletesWith many injuries come many determined athletes whowere ready to join their teammates on the State podium.senior Isabelle Conrad & D , TURunners to your mark. I he runnerssophomore Megan Grabowski shake off the jitters for the last time,seniorjuniorCharleneBrooke TuSapalrnbull&ONE Sophomore Amy Moore throws the discus at the I! meet. Moore threw well and made it to Regionals. PHOTO B1TANFORD TWO Senior Hallie Pedersen and sophomore /Coleman, both members of the Hurdle Crew, jump ov.respective hurdles during Senior Night against Martinsville.3Y MACKENZIE MOTSINGER THREE Sophomore Emily Ehmanhe sand after jumping into the pit at the North Invitational-ace of an injury that landed her on the bench for a stretch,sxpected to come back next year even stronger. PHOTO B^3EDERSEN FOUR Senior Anna Misole vault. PHOTO BY AvIACKENiEllen Richards and senior Michduring the 4x400 meter race,participating in the long jump aiMiller, 300-meter hurdles. SIX Fr<Morrone and sophomore Megands.strong after an excerSINGER FIVE Sophomoretiller exchange the batonjnners weie multi-talented,400-meter as well as, fori Camryn Lien, junior Emily>wski head off to the racesjumping up and down to prepare theirmuscles. They step into the blocks andrest their fingertips right behind the startline. All is calm and quiet.Get set. The girls raise up, restingmost of their body weight on the tips oftheir fingers, mere seconds from falling.Go. The runners explode from theblocks, pushing their momentum tospring ahead of their opponents.Adrenaline and instinct pulse throughthe bloodstream as each track athletegives it her all.The sprinting events are not theonly events in high school track, butalso long distance races, field eventsand throwing. In order to achievesuccess and win, every girl needed todo her best.Compensating for the spades ofinjuries during the season, the girls onthe team had to work extra hard tomake sure that they would be better bythe post-season and to help their teamearn points. Senior AlexandraWarzyniak said, this has been arough season because Ive had tocome back from a lot of injuries. Butlike many of the South runners,Warzyniak was determined to carryon into the postseason and run herbest.Sophomore standout MeganGrabowski was no stranger tosuccess, either. Taking eighth in the1 00-meter sprint and sixth in the 4-by-100-meter relay last year, Grabowskiwas ready to perform even better. Iand my 4x100 teammates haveworked hard every day after school,she said. We are ready to make it tothe podium and do better than lastyear.Sophomore pole vaulter EmilyFinley also prepared to make hermark at state. Having worked tirelesslyall of last year and through the winterand summer, Finley was really excitedand determined to place at State.With high hopes, intensivetraining, and hard work, the outlook ispositive for the South girls track teamIn the coming weeks as the girls justmay reach their dreams atop the -Bpodium.- HALLIE PEDERSEQirrV*v
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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