Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2014, Page 59

Description: the gauntletLeaving their mark on the underclassmen, the seniors used their many skills to make this year memorable.A wide open lane appeared and the crowdfell silent. Senior Isaiah Gooch took avertical leap and a Bloomington Southplayer passed him the ball in the air, settingup an alley-oop. Gooch brought the balldecisively downward, simultaneouslymaking a slam dunk and causing the fans —especially those in the student section — toerupt in boisterous cheers.While the postseason was not assuccessful as the players would have liked,winning games that included alley-oops andother impressive plays was not a rarity. Theteam had a 15-8 record in the regularseason, which was an improvement fromlast year. The postseason, though, waswhere the team fell into some trouble.ONE Senior Logan Kirby waits to see if hisfree throw shot goes in the hoop. The teamwent on to beat their opponent OwenValley. PHOTO BY ZACHARY PEDERSEN TWOSophomore Tucker Blackwell anticipatethe ball at the Bloomington North game.Even as an underclassmen Blackwell wasan integral part of the team the wholeseason, helping them win with his intensity.THREE Senior Gage Rogers, junior JoshuaMartindale and senior Noah Marks playdefense against North at their rivalry game.Unlike past years, Bloomington South fellshort, but the Panthers fought hard andtough. PHOTOS BY HALLIE PEDERSEN FOURAt the game against Terre Haute North,junior John Jager stares down hisopponents. During his three years onvarsity, Jager has helped the team becomesuccessful. PHOTO BY ZACHARY PEDERSENFIVE Senior Keaton Hendricks accepts aball from coach J.R. Holmes at senior night.Hendricks will be missed by all those whowatch South basketball next season as hegoes on to play ball at Taylor University.PHOTO BY HALLIE PEDERSENAs outlined by senior standout KeatonHendricks, we had a good seasonoverall but we came up short [in thepostseason] and didnt live up toexpectations. The expectations were highfor the boys, but they consistentlyperformed to the best of their ability.The closeness of the team should alsobe noted, for much of the success requiredthe team to play as one. Many of theplayers talked about the closeness of theteam, recalling the many pick-up gamesplayed during the summer and countlesspractices which contributed to theirwinning mentality. Revealing the greatchemistry that existed in the team, Goochstated that he wished [the team] couldvegone farther [in the season] so we couldvekept playing together.With quite a few seniors who will bemoving on next year, there are manyunderclassmen who are needed to step up.Sophomore Tucker Blackwell is optimisticabout his next two years, revealing that thefreshman team didnt lose a single gametheir entire season. His goals are set high,just like those of his fellow returning players.Next year were going to be good. Ourgoals are to win Sectionals and hopefullymove on through Regionals. With the waythe basketball program is moving, there areonly more exciting games and manybuckets ahead for the team.-HALLIE PEDERSEN
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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