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ONE Blood donated at the Bloomington South blood drive sits in protectiveboxes while awaiting shipment. This was the first year that NHS sponsored threeseparate blood drives. PHOTO BY HALLIE PEDERSEN TWO Senior JonathanMcNeil watches the needle suck blood from his arm during the first blood driveof the year. As a senior, this was McNeils last chance to donate for South.PHOTO BY HELENA LYSANDROU THREE Seniors Nicholas Martino and ErinFitzgibbons give out food to donors. FOUR Sophomore Jonathan Schaeferfocuses as he has blood drawn at the second at-South blood drive. At 16, hewas finally old enough to donate blood. PHOTOS BY HALLIE PEDERSEN[•Jgl3*p*ODQive9?tificS c°nSponsored by Susan Shelton,Knitting Club offered Southstudents a chance to expresstheir creativity in the old-fashioned form of knitting. Aftersome brief instruction from Mrs.Shelton, the students would beon their way, crafting scarves,socks, and even blankets fromthe bountiful amounts of stringavailable to them. Its a lot offun, explained junior ClaireDennis. You have lots of roomfor creativity.W£EVERY. DAY IMKYiUMY I ivi m m •doodlingSenior Hannah Lethig shows off and describes theimaginative creatures she often draws on her homework.BkThis is a ferocious dragon. I shouldhave been doing pre-calchomework, but I figured Id ratherhave a dragon eat it up.This is also just anawesome monster. Itwas scooping up therest of the numbersinto its gullet. |
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Bloomington High School South |
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