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The three student-selected speakers discuss the inspirations and intentions behindtheir speeches, which were delivered during commencement on June 1.Wow look at us, class of 2013.We have earned our caps andgowns through blood, sweat, tears,and FRIENDSHIP, said seniorMaureen Mitchell as she beganher commencement speech, the lastof the ceremony. Keeping acomical tone throughout her entireaddress, she quipped about thegraduation garb, HannahMontana and her affinity for aeo game called Dragon Age.I realized that I didnt wantto grow up and I vented in the onlyway I knew how - humorously,scted Mitchell after deliveringer speech. Although sheappeared quick-witted andsardonic on stage, she admittedthat playing such a large role in thegraduation ceremony created afew nerves.- Senior Sarah Hoffman feltthat speaking at commencementmade the event more significant forher family. Inspired by hergrandfathers favorite quote byAbraham Lincoln, Whatever youare, be a good one, she strayedaway from comedy and towardsemotion. Id like to think of it asmore uplifting than serious. Afterall, everyone has a future. Its whatyou make of it, she said. Hoffmanfocused on students lives after highschool, repeatedly using themetaphor of a path to represent thefuture.A cross between comedy andsincerity, senior Quinn Galyanalso emphasized the future. Hewrote the first draft of his oration ona late night for speech class, andfelt encouraged by his classmatesto try out as an official speaker.Galyan spent a fair portion ofhis speech on goofy Back to theFuture references but also took timeto discuss the endless possibilitiespost high school. He joked, Someof us will become doctors who willhelp the sick, and get a lot of moneyby doing it. Others will becometeachers who will guide the youngminds of their students to achieving agoal that was thought to beimpossible...and making a littleunder what the doctor makes.Although there was greatvariation between the three student-selected speeches at thecommencement ceremony for theclass of 2013, each addressprovided a meaningful andenlightened glimpse into thespeakers sentiments, experiencesand ambitions.-ELEANORE FUQUA |
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Bloomington High School South |
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