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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2013, Page 129

Description: uv [to theBloomington Southbaseball stepped up theirgame and pushedthemselves to their limitsin the 2013 season.Tough competition. That was whatBloomington Souths varsitybaseball coach Mr. Phil Kluesnerwas looking for at the beginning ofthe 2013 season. The Panthersdropped teams like Linton andOwen Valley, considered easy wins,off of their new schedule in favor ofmore challenging opponents.This years non-conferenceschedule is going to be very tough,said senior pitcher and catcherGrady Hughes. But its going togive us a chance to play in tightgames with a sectional-typeatmosphere and thatll benefit theteam down the road.South opened its season with around robin tournament on March30, hosting both Bedford NorthLawrence (BNL) and Zionsville. ThePanthers beat BNL easily in the firstgame 8-3, but it was in the secondgame of the day that South faced itstoughest competition, the number-one-ranked Zionsville Eagles.However, the Panthers wereunfazed. Senior Nolan Rogers andjunior Robert Drew combined topitch all seven innings and onlygave up two hits, leading South to a7-1 win.With two wins to kick off theseason, the Panthers were veryexcited about their chances ofhaving a record-setting season.After already playing some greatteamschancebuywellto play25 in the piliked theirespecially after aopening tournament.j have a greatand if everyoneill do verys slatedin the topbut theyeless,strcgolfgaloreWhen it comes to golf, its best to learn from the insiders.Learn how to talk the talk, walk the walk, and dress thepart for the next time you decide to hit the links.You have to make sureyou wear a collared shirt,especially at countryclubs. Then you just neednice pants or shorts, notcargo, and then if youwant you can weargolfing shoes.— sen/or Zachary WaltersPar- the number of strokes usuallyrequired for a holeBirdie- the name for scoring one strokeunder parMulligan- an extra free shot if the first isbad. This replaces the initial shot.Rough- the outer fairway, on thetwo sides, where the grass is longerDuring a normal match, each golfer walksapproximately two miles for a span of five hours while carryinga 35 pound golf bag.TWO WEEKSynthesisagrowinscollection of photosFreshman Devin McQueenmaneuvers his body in theair in an attempt to avoidknocking down the barduring his first pole vaultattempt. The April 2 meetended with a score of 81-51 for the Panthers overColumbus North. PHOTO BYJULIA RODGERSJunior Joseph Heinrich runsa leg of the 4X800 meterrelay during the boys trackmeet against ColumbusNorth. Heinrich ran therelay with senior JordanHuntoon, junior Josse Smithand sophomore PeterVoskuil. PHOTO BY JULIARODGERSFreshman Emily Ehmancompetes in the womenshigh jump event during theLady Panthers meet onApril 2 against ColumbusNorth. While Ehmanfinished a respectable thirdin high jump, South lost themeet 89-43. PHOTO BYJULIARODGERS
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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