Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2013, Page 124

Description: [how to succeed in]i M wm W HHm I k w 9IB 91 fl&Hfe I 1 if ITheatre Souths production required diligence and energyfrom the cast and brought the group closer together.1. Senior Quinn Galyan,playing the part of Mr.Biggley, the powerful boss,takes a call from hissecretary. 2. SeniorsKendall Theile and CallistaRekas, both secretaries inHow to Succeed in Business,sing and dance for theopening number. 3. Playingthe main role of J. PierrepontFinch, junior Brian Kress,attempts to flatter a secretaryby brining her a freshflower. 4. For the number,Coffee Break, the castbreaks into a frenzied danceto represent their intensedesires for caffeine.PHOTOS BY ELEANOREHow to Succeed in Business WithoutReally Trying told the story of awindow washers surprisingly easyjourney to become the CEO of acompany with the assistance of ahandy help book. For TheatreSouth, however, the journey toopening night was not quite aseasy.The intensive process toproduce the show began inNovember with auditions, whichlasted for three days. Those whotried out prepared songs andscenes from the musical and alsowent through dance evaluations. Iwas actually super worried aboutauditions, said senior OliviaHouston about the competitivenessof the process. In the end, I reallyfelt like [the cast] deserved theirplaces in the show. Of the 47students who auditioned, only 26were selected to be part of How toSucceed.After making it into the show,the cast started the rehearsalprocess. In the three months leadingup to opening day, the cast workedhard to improve and perfect theirsinging, dancing and acting. Beforeevery dance rehearsal, the cast didTurboFire, a collection of cardioworkouts that came from the samecompany that made other popularworkout videos like P90X andInsanity. With dance rehearsalswe would have [TurboFire] to helpget us in shape, Houston said. Itwas really great to go through thedifferent stages of rehearsals.In a way, all the preparationhelped bring the cast together. Thecast had really been able to bond,which I thought made the showbetter, Houston pointed out.According to freshmanAudrey Bannec, [The show]could be a lot of work sometimes,but it was really fun because thecast was able to do everythingtogether. Often, the cast helped tobuild, set up and paint sets, whichalso gave them an opportunity tosee the other side of putting on ashow.Despite all of the hard work,everyone found ways to have funand keep positive attitudes.Members found time to hang outafter rehearsals and watch othershows around Bloomingtontogether. [The cast] always had toreally focus to get in what weneeded to get in. But the cast made[rehearsals] really fun, and wepulled the show together reallywell, said junior Courtney Mitzel.- DENISE DOROTHEO
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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