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While some Bloomington South students spent winterbreak, from Dec. 23 to Jan. 6, in snowy Bloomington,two seniors opted for more exotic locations.While their fellow BloomingtonSouth students were at home andcozied up waiting for the blizzardto hit Bloomington on December26, seniors Claire Glomm andAbbie Lueken were nowhere to befound. In fact, they were not even inthe country. They were traveling theworld for winter break,experiencing new cultures andhaving adventures abroad. Luekenwas off to the sunny Bahamas whileGlomm chose a cooler climate inGermany and Italy.Glomm spent a few days inGermany with her family, but herfavorite part of the trip was theexcursion in Italy. Her visit includedeverything Glomm could want froman overseas adventure: entertainingcompany, beautiful sights andflavorful Italian cuisine. Thehighlight of her vacation wasspending New Years Eve inVenice. There was lots of cheering,sparklers, fireworks, confetti,exploding bottles of champagneand much more, Glomm said. Itwas a really exciting experience.While Glomm was seeing thesights in Italy, Lueken was soakingup the sun in the Bahamas. Luekenspent the majority of her triprelaxing by the pool. Although thepool was her favorite part, the hotelitself blew her away. There wereso many different types ofrestaurants, paintings everywhereand fish and sharks were swimmingaround the whole place, Luekensaid. Her stay on the island provedmemorable, with its luxurioushousing and clear blue waters.Both seasoned travelers,Lueken and Glomm had someadvice for first-time travelers. Beflexible; you dont want to overschedule yourself with a lot ofdifferent tours, suggested Glomm.Lueken was nervous duringher inaugural voyage abroad andwas unsure what to expect goingthrough customs, but she felt morecomfortable after her trip. Isuggest that new travelers relaxand just go with the flow.After spending time abroad,both girls were excited to returnhome. However, Indiana did notwaste time welcoming them homewith wintry weather. They steppedoff the plane only to be greeted bya whopping 7 inches of snow.-HAILEY JACKSONhow far will you go?Bloomington South students spent winter break in a variety of locations.ttittttttttttiiINDIANA ***************ttttttttttttttt***************60%ILLINOISNEW YORKCITY6%f { \ \ \En in m js5%OTHER 29%poll taken from 1 00 studentson January 1 1 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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