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—pump it •/*$With the boys basketball seasonapproaching, team members sharesongs they listen to beforeheading on to the court.Kanye Westlike the build up of it andit just gets your bloodpumping.-freshman Maxwell CronGoing from the turf to the court was a radical transitionfor the Bloomington South cheerleaders moving into thePanther basketball season.As fall turned to winter, and theSouthside Sixth Man, as the loyalstudent section is referred to, movedfrom the bleachers to the basketballcourt, the cheerleaders truly saw thechange. The transition from footballseason to basketball seasonbrought a whole new level ofexcitement to the students and to thecheerleaders.Junior Alexandra Reynoldsexplained that football game cheerversus basketball cheer were twovery different things. There is amore Friday Night Lights feel atthe football games. The fans arestanding right in front of us, but theyare farther away. We dont get tointeract with the student section asmuch, said Reynolds.The track around the footballfield allowed the cheerleaders moreroom to tumble, stunt and wave thePanther flag. However, they did notfeel the excitement from the studentsas much. Moving indoors forbasketball season brought adifferent kind of cheer to thesurface. We all have to cramonto a sideline, and we are muchmore restricted, Reynolds said.Although the cheerleaderswere crowded, the sense ofcamaraderie between the studentsand the cheerleaders grew. Thefans are much more into it at thebasketball games. Everything andeveryone are so much closer, saidsophomore Carrington Sills.Amidst the change, thecheerleaders Panther spirit neverwavered. No matter what theconditions, cheering is always fun,Reynolds said.We have great studentsections for both football andbasketball, sophomore BriannaBoyd said. The cheerleadershoped that the upcomingbasketball season would bring itscharacteristic and enthusiasticstudent section to help cheer on theteam to another great year.- CAITLYN CHANGhmanNovemberLawrence. The cheerleaders led the student section in a variety oftraditional cheers, including the iconic Panther Rumble.Wb^BAILEY BOLER |
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Bloomington High School South |
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