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4<1 -■-■■-|TPMN £Senior Holly Cornwell shoots afreethrow during the Lady Panthersgame against Terra Haute South onNovember 13. South won their secondgame of the year 52-47. PHOTO BY JULIARODGERSA group of talented underclassmenallowed the Lady Panther basketball teamto form a freshman team in 2012 for the first time in three years.The summer before the 2012-2013 school year, 14 freshmandecided to try out for theBloomington South girls basketballteam. Through summer travelteams, open gyms, and tryouts,head coach Mr. Larry Wintersand his coaching staff decidedthose freshmen were simply toogood to cut, but there were toomany of them to fit onto the JVteam. There was only one solution:South would have a freshman teamfor the first time in three years.Freshman CatherineDouglas was one of the manyexcited girls to find out about theaddition of the new team. Iplayed this summer and felt like Icouldnt make the JV team, so Iwas glad when I heard there wasgoing to be a freshman team, saidDouglas.The girls agreed that beingon the freshman team wouldprepare them for being on the JVteam in the future. It prepares youto get the feel of how to play andhow the game goes, saidDouglas.Freshman Lindsey Bombaagreed. It gives us a better idea ofwhat to expect.Playing on a team made upentirely of girls their own age wasa positive experience for thenewcomers. It helped them bondwith one another and becomecloser as a team. It makes usbetter friends because we can goall through high school togethernow, said Bomba.Freshman Emma Fisherexplained that playing with girlsfrom other grades, such as on JV,would be a little more challengingbecause the skill levels would bedifferent. Because of their similarskill level, the team was successfulon the court with a record of 1 0-6.Because they werenewcomers to South girlsbasketball, the freshman teamoperated very differently from theJV and varsity teams.Freshmen are just gettingfamiliar with the game. When youmove up, it gets more intense. I feellike if youre too serious, its hardto move past your mistakes, saidBomba.The girls all agreed that beingon the new team was a greatexperience and that South shouldcontinue to have a freshman team.Its important to have that first stepcoming into the program, Fishersaid.-JULIA RODGERShelpfulMM-iaaFour freshman swimmers share tips theyreceived before beginning their firstseasons swimming for the Panthers.They told me to workhard at the beginningof the season; you willget better.—Jacob OedingThey told us it wasreally good to beaggressive andalways cheer peopleon.—Jocelyn KuhThey told us abouthow to cheer for our- team and said tocheer a lot.—Cooper LeeMThey told me toalways cheer peopleon and bring lots oftowels to meets.—Maggie Gates43?cheerleaders perform athalftime of the girls varsitybasketball game againstTerre Haute South onNovember 13. The LadyPanthers won a close gameover the Braves 52-47.PHOTO BY JULIA RODGERSJunior John Clark shoots afreethrow as seniorAareone McCoy looks onduring Souths preseasonscrimmage against Northon November 15. ThePanthers used thescrimmage to help preparefor the the season. PHOTOBY ELEANORE FUQUA.Sophomore Kalien Vaughnand freshman ValerieZoltewicz cheer on the LadyPanthers during the varsitygame against Terre HauteSouth on November 13.The girls basketball cheersquad was one of foursquads this year. PHOTO BYJULIA RODGERS |
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Bloomington High School South |
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