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1 theThe 20BioTop: A group ofmusiciansperform on thestreets, providingentertainment forthose downtownduring thefestival. Bottom:Two streetmusicians playthe saxophone.PHOTOS BYCALIEDHVALKYRIEII 1were you,Plan it out before you go. Get aschedule, see what you want tosee, Otherwise you end uproaming around,— senior Jason S;Lotus Festival providedBloomington South students withthe chance to experience livemusic and culture. Bands andartists from countries all over theworld came to perform within thecommunity, drawing many Southstudents in for a night of musicand dancing. For Ms. AngelaBerzins and senior Willow Hughes,the festival became an opportunityto perform in front of thousands.Ms. Berzins, a member of thefemale acappella group Kaia, hadbeen preparing for five years toperform at Lotus. When theopportunity first arose, the groupfelt that they werent prepared,Then, a year of long weeklyrehearsals later, they were able totake part in Lotus from aperspective they hadnt yetexperienced: on stage. Kaiaperformed on two separate nightsand partook in a workshop in thepark. Lotus was amazing to be apart of, Ms, Berzins said, Theresthis buzz of excitement in the air,and everyone is talking aboutmusic and dancing. Its a reallyGet a weekend pass ahead oftime. Dont feel pressured to goto everything.— senior Katharine Schneiderfun, lively time. Hughesperformed at Lotus with theHudsucker Posse, a local hula-hoop troop that does hoopdancing. Hughes becameinvolved in hoop dancing lastMarch, and was thrilled at theopportunity to showcase her talentat Lotus. My favorite part of Lotusthis year was definitelyperforming, Hughes said. TheHudsucker Posse performed tomusic, and to prepare, an iPoddock was a constant presence atrehearsals. While hoop dancingmay have appeared to be gracefuland effortless, it was actually veryhard work. Its definitely a workout. You burn 600 calories anhour, Hughes explained, Its a lotof fun though, and it can be a goodway to unwind as well.Whether performing on stage ormerely dancing through thestreets to the pulsating beat of themusic, Lotus gave South studentsand faculty the chance to connectthrough a weekend of music thatwas both local and international,-ELIZA WILLIAMSSee as many shows as you canand go with a good group offriends.— sophomore Quinn Sternbergnnc |
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Bloomington High School South |
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