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ng^^i^^i^^i^mBloomington South students took it to thecandy shop with a Candy Land theme and a dancestyle that was anything but syrupy sweet.Love it or hate it, dirty dancingcould easily be called the danceof our generation. With theproliferation of this kind ofdancing shown in movies andmusic videos, an increasingnumber of students got involved ingrinding. Many had made thetransition quite smoothly into thiswild way of dancing and didntsee any problem with it.Chaperons, on the other hand,had a different take on the waystudents danced. Assistant PrincipalMs. Cynthia Chrzastowski said, Idont want to stop students fromhaving a good time, but my job isto create a safe environment forthem. If parents were to come inwhat would be going through theirheads? We have an obligation tokeep it appropriate,Another issue was the dancingcould violate some studentspersonal comfort zones. Manyfreshmen walked into their firsthomecoming and felt pressured todance a certain way. FreshmanKendall Theile said, I really wasnttoo surprised becauseupperclassmen had told me aboutit, so I knew what to expect.Theile, like many other students,would probably be glad to have afew slow dances added to the mixfor some relief from the crazed,sweaty and fast-paced dancing.Dirty dancing could be takenas inappropriate and out of line,but was seen by most asunchangeable. SophomoreMichelle Holmberg said, I lovegoing to the dances and cantimagine what they would be like ifwe couldnt dance like this, Itmakes it fun and a little wild, andit usually comes as second natureto most people, Yet many Southstudents had to experience achaperon coming up to them andtelling them to back down on thedirty dancing.Some students argued that itwas a form of expressingthemselves, but junior TaylorJackson disagreed I wouldnt sayits a form of expressing ourselvesits just the way everyone dancesto have fun.- EMMA SULLIVAN1009how iworethedressThis classic silkydress was theof the 2001homecoming dan[The cheerleaders] hadto cheer the game rightbefore so I was in apretty big rush. I kept itsimple with a skinnysilver bracelet and pearlearrings...nothing toofancy.— sophomoreAllyson LangleyIt was crazy howeveryone had the samestyle of dress on just allfrom different stores, Ipersonalized mine withsilver heels. Theneckline was simple so Ididnt need jewelry.— juniorSamantha SantosI thought it was amusinghow [my friends and I]had the same dressunknowingly. I wore thedress with pearls, silverheels, and a Tiffanysbracelet.— juniorElizabeth Maier/I |
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Bloomington High School South |
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