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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2010, Page 24

Description: PACE helps Bloomington South students reach their full potentialAs a member of the NationalHonor Society, senior MatthewCesnik was assigned to tutorstudents who attended PACE, Iusually end up tutoring math eventhough Id probably be morehelpful doing social studies...oranything besides math, saidCesnik.For me math is harder,..but Iknow what Im doing.Cesnik once had to help astudent with a stack of homeworkthat was about an inch thick.There were a couple of questionson each probably tookabout 40 minutes to finish.Tutors like Cesnik were animportant part of the PACEprogram, and they were allvoluntary. But Cesnik sometimeshad trouble finding studentswilling to get math help from otherstudents. I think that because Ima highschooler, and people dontwant to ask their peers for help,Im usually not the one they ask..ifsomeone needs help theyllusually ask a teacher.-AMON FOWLERTop: Senior Rita Cripe, and PACE tutor, works on her own homework in betweentutoring. Bottom: Junior Conner Bohall and sophomore Jayden Dunbar use thelibrarys computers during PACE to finish homework. PHOTOS BY AMON FOWLERif you werent at pace.where would you be?On the bus ride home.— freshman Alyssa KinderAt home studying.— sophomore Travis TerrellAt the mall.— sophomore Montana SheetsQ£OCbiLCs
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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