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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2009, Page 215

Description: ^ , Gothic Staff:Past and PresentSouth graduate and former Gothic staff memberpursues her dream in JournalismHfe^* ^^For many, the opportunity to meetNFL players and some of the most important people in the NFL organizationwould be a dream. For BloomingtonSouth graduate Nicole Addazio (pictured right in her senior picture from2005), this was more than a dream; shegot to experience this during her college internship.While she attended South, Ms. Addazio was a member of the Gothic Yearbook staff for two years. She startedout as a sports co-writer her first year,and as a senior she was moved up toeditor-in-chief. Addazio said that shedid not think working on the Gothic affected her choices, but it did did teachher a lot about managing a group ofpeople.Her time on yearbook staff maynot have influenced her major, but itdid influence her to look out for other opportunities. [The Gothic] alsodefinitely encouraged me to seek outleadership positions in college, sinceI enjoyed being the leader of Gothicyearbook.Addaziosaid that hertime on theGothic staffalso helpedher learnhow to dealwith stickysituations. Ilearned how tomanage a situation that might not beideal, and learn to cope with what Ihad, she said. I also feel like I learnedhow to adapt, and not freak out whenthings werent exactiy as I envisioned.Ms. Addazio suggested to currentstaff members to always take pride intheir work. Many people wish theyhad the chance to help create something that, essentially, is the biggesttime capsule of their high school years.[The staff] should always be sure to dothe best job as possible, since it is forever etched in school history. —ALAINAMARTINEZGothic adviser Ms. Kristin Wintin and sophomores Emily Hoagland and Jamie Chang discuss plans and ideasfor a spread after eating ice cream during a deadlineparty.,thenandnow I 100th ANNIVERSARY | 215
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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