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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2009, Page 151

Description: COLLINMatthew HaugheeCorey HaydenflickCullen FlynnShawn FlynnBailey FoustDaniel FoxKyle FranklinTiffany FredrickJarrod FreemanLogan FreemanSophia FrickDaniel FrohmanTomas Fuentes-RohwerDaniel FusonLuis Garza VelazquezJennifer GhekasBrittany GillamAlexandra GoodmanThomas Gray, Jr.Mesassiona GreerTanner GriffithJosh GrissomBradley GrossTaylor GrossEliot GrubbMariza GrundmannKenneth GundersonScott HaeberleCody HaggardBrittany HallCorbett HallLindsay HallSheridan HalloranChristian HangsmaRobert HardingKori HarrisLauren HarrisonAustin HaysHolly HaysTasha HazelWilliam HeadIn 2006, freshman Collin Flicks parents applied for a fosteringlicense and took his aunts six children into their family. Thenthe Flick family had 10 kids, ranging in age four to 19, livingin their home. This was a dramatic change in Flicks life,and one that took time getting used to.Im glad were helping them out. Its really not that badafter a while. Its just normal now.With 10 kids in the house, Flick has trouble finding a littlepersonal space every once and a while.I used to share a room with just one of my brothers, but nowI have to share with three. Its hard to do homework since theresalways kids running around. It gets distracting but it can be fun.With so many people, there is a lot more stuff to do.Not only was this a big change for the Flick family, but the fosterchildren also had some things to get used to.At first they were a little confused and did not really know whatwas happening. The older ones had the idea that it was our fault.But after time theyve gotten used to it as well, and learned that itis for the better.The Flick family planned to take care of the children and toofficially adopt them. —MARCO REGOLIA BIT MORE... favorite animal: dogfavorite food: gyros one wish: have a ferrarian ideal vacation: somewhere with a beachfreshmen | ALBUM | 151
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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