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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2009, Page 124

Description: Front Lot ControversyThe front lot was without a doubt the most popular placeto park because it was so close to the front entrance of theschool. However, the only way to recieve a special parkingpass for the lot was to be chosen from a drawing of NationalHonor Society members or for a scheduling reason, such ascadet teaching or internship. Many South students were bitter about having to park behind the school, but were unableto park in the front lot because of the orange stickers theyrecieved for parking in an illegal spot.what was yourfirst wreck?I totaled my car on State Road46.1 hit a deer and my carflipped. It was a 1998 MitsubishiMontero.—sophomore MichaelWilliamsIt wasnt that serious, but I waspressing a button on my cellphone and I ran off the road.I hit a telephone pole with mypassenger side mirror.—junior Hannah WoodI was in the parking lot and akid was driving too fast and herear ended me.—senior Alec Leggio124 | STUDENT LIFE | drivingCars line up in traffic after school near theHenderson St. exit, which was nothing new. Somestudents just sit there in traffic for up to 10 minutes daily, said sophomore Haley Webber.PHOTO BY JESSICA ARTHUR
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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