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Close[flboue] Juniors Tyler Thompson and fldam Petersohnand senior Ryan Chapman round a bend during a race.(Ill three uuere pouuerful runners and contributed greatlyto the teams success.[Right] Sophomore Lamine Sylla runs during the SouthInuitational meet. Sylla moued here from Africa during thesummer and had fun joining the cross country team andmeeting neuj people.&(Above) 1st row: miehael Trueblood, Danny Saxton, Cord Rhyne, Justin Laux, DaveDuemler, Aaron Schroeder, Josh murphy, Chris Hoppie, Anthony Clomm, mattCherry, James Haley, Dane Lockhart, Lamine Sylla. 2nd row: Ben Buekner, AlexHahn, Ryan Bornhorst, Ryan Chapman, Tyler Thompson, Adam Petersohn, JoshGornall, Hitch Lockhart, Chris Chandler, Wade Steffey, Scott Breeden, Coach LarryWilliams.As a senior HI missmy team, they were anexceptionally amazingteam and Im sure wellbe able to continue on aschampions.- Senior KathrynMiddletonThere uuere high hope/ cominginto the cro// countruj /ea/on.Both boij/ and qirl/ uuere uuellprepared and readuj for thechallenge/ that faced them.Theuj proved them/elve/ to bepouuerful team/ during the/ea/on. Both team/ made it tothe /tate meet and uuereproud of their accompli/hment/.(Above)lst row: Hillary Davis, Jenny Cho, Sheila Clayton, (Tlia Thomas, Anna Hallaqan, EllenPhilhower, Tessa Pilanchowsia, Kristin Cibson. 2nd row: Ali Etnier, Vanessa Sheldon, Cici Lemke,Rabeccah Briqqs, Lara Hamburqer, Claire Frohman, Alexis Cox, Charlotte Clayton, Colleen Cahill,Lizzy Whitlatch, Corrinne Innes. 3rd row: Coach fflarybeth Hannah Hanson, maria Okeke, HannaCleveland, Daomi Koide-Gasser, Samantha Croy, Sara Branham, Sharon Davis, Kate middleton,Caroline Tattersall, Coach Rosie PizzoThe highlight of theseason was winningSemi-State and beatingEdgewood.- Junior Chris ChandlerCross Country 113 |
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Bloomington High School South |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.