Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2005, Page 22

Description: (Right) The JuniorAdvisory Board plans theband order for the bignight. Advisory boardsponsored the event asa fundraiser for prom.Southapalooza has beena South tradition forabout 8 years. The eventgives student bands theopportunity to showtheir stuff to the restof the school.By Anna ZaretOnce a year South students have their chance to be in the spotlight. The concert has everything,from hard-rock bands to solo singers all showing off their musical talents. Some students chose to playoriginal pieces, while some chose to perform remakes of famous songs. There were pianos, guitars, andeven a ukulele.For returning musician sophomore Nathan Dau-Schimidt, Southapalooza was even better thesecond time around. We played really well and people were looking forward to seeing us, said Dau-Schimidt. He and his band played an original song as well as Weezer and Dave Matthews Band songs.Senior Trey Lockerbie, a veteran to the Southapalooza stage was also a crowd favorite. Playing atSouthapalooza is something I look forward to every year, said Lockerbie. Singing and playing guitar infront of my friends is really how I got started so playing at South is easy for me.The performers were not the only ones who spent time preparing for Southapalooza.JuniorAdvisory Board spend tons of time preparing for the concert, said Junior Advisory Board vicepresident Brooke Anderson. We use the money we make from Southapalooza to go towards our promfunds, said Anderson. Its work but a very fun experience. Students love the concert so its neat to beable to run it.Senior Mary McKeen and junior Jenny Blackwell looked forward to their last time seeing theseniors perform. We all dressed up and came to see our friends sing and play, said McKeen.Southapalooza is one of my favorite things that we do all year. It is definitely one of the things Illremember most from South.(From far Right) Sophomore Sasha Turner singsa solo between band sets. Turner was one offew soloists to perform at Southapalooza.Freshman Carson Day twangs the ukeleli. Dayperfomed with a couple different stringinstruments, striking a solid chord at theconcert. Sophomore Rory Derryberry singswhile accompaning himself on guitar.Derryberry was the only self-accompanied soloact.(Left) Freshman Khalid Stetkevych takes a solidstance while he plays on stage. Stetkevych sband inspired several audience members tostart head-banging, which lead to part of thecroud being thrown out.22 Student Life
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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