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-M.S. Docri-lt was a learning year lor all of us,and we are glad that it was you who was learningwith us. 1 hanks lor all the time and energy youput into the book. 1 here was never a time thatyou were not positive and keeping our spirits up.After the first deadline, things definitely startedto come together. We are so glad that you will behere next year! And no matter how tough thingsget next year, always remember to o 1 AYMOTIVATED! And if you ever need arecommendation to appear on the Oachelorette,they can call us -Kegina and AllisonKegina-Well, we finally did it. 1 hrough allthe griping, complaining and stressful deadlines,the book is complete! Well, not technically, since1 am writing this a week beiore our last deadline.1 hank you oU much for a great year, 1 couldnot have gotten through this without you and 1could not have had anyone better to do the jobwith. You have a bright journalistic future, andyou had just better call me to spellcheck anythingfirst! vrood luck next year! -AllisonAllison- 1 he human dictionary! flow am 1going to be able to spell now; oeriously, 1 cannotimagine doing this without you. 1 am so thankfulto have had a co-editor as hard-working,concientious and f UN (very important) as you.1 really enjoyed getting to know you this year,and 1 will miss you a lot. Prooa luck next year!(1 certainly will let you know if 1 ever get achicken suit. ) al-oUAl. -KeginaJoanna- 1 he room just would not have been thesame without your somewhat um, unnecessarycomments. Out even though we were not alwaysgrateful for your remarks, we were very gratefulfor all the work you did for the book. Without allyour pictures, we really would not have had abook jOhristine- Your section may have had too manycommas, but your creativity and dedication showedthrough on every spread you turned in. We couldalways count on seeing your work way before thedeadline! Your organizational skills and good visualsense will make you a great editor next year.Dede-Alaybe you did not understand what wewere doing in the yearbook room when we werein there way too long... (DOoDKo ). Out youwere really devoted to album, especially makingsure things were accurate and pleasing to the eye,We appreciate that, and we love your style!Laura-You were a late-comer, but you did allthose little things that keep the book together.1 hanks for the time you did spend with us andgood luck at North next year!K. 1 - Yes, we know how to spell your name. OutK. 1 is so cool! 1 he beginning of the year was alittle tough, but your attitude really turnedaround, and now-it is like having a different personon staff! Your activities section was reallyinnovative since it allowed us to cover so manyclubs in different ways, thanks tor all your help.Jordan-Our computer whiz. If we ever had acomputer question (or we were just computerilliterate) you were the one we always came to.1 hanks for helping without making us feel stupid.(And you owe Allison about $10 tor thesessions!)Dave- Your hair was always a conversationstarted-as your pictures will be when the bookcomes out! We will always remember your quoteabout your inabilities to perform. We know youwill make a great photo editor next year!Oarah Crates-Our last minute perfectionist..Lven though you sometimes did not get into gearuntil the last minute, you paid a lot of attentionto the little things. You managed to tame yourscary stats bar. We know you will enjoy beingfree from yearbook next year!Kobbie-lt there is ever a market for oft-keycountry singers, we know you will be a star. Itwas a blast having you on statt-you are such afun guy. We know being the ads manager can bean unforgiving job, but you really came through.You did a lot, even though we spent so muchtime waiting tor you to get back from your giant...Ldaire- You were the quietest person on staff,but your work spoke tor you. In addition to puttingin many hours tor the academics section, you alsotackled the tedious work of indexing. We arereally grateful for all you did tor the book!Kobert-.Lven though Uhristopher Kobin wasin class more than you were, we appreciatedeverything you did, when you finally decided todo it and you always kept us on our toes!Uhristie- You were always smiling-and we alwaysthought your laugh was so cute and tunny. It wasnice to have you around when we were gettingstressed out because you could always cheer usup. 1 hanks tor all your work in the album section.Oy the way, how many licks does it take to get tothe center of a tizzy pop (Drew-It seems impossible that we could havegotten along without you the first trimester. Youwere always here at the end of deadlines with us,and still managed to have a good attitude, eventhough you were always saying _L_L W W W Wabout everything! (jr>od luck being a co-editornext year! We know you will be great!Allie-ohe is loud, and she dances. 1 hese weresome of the thoughts we had about you. And shealso has a great activities section. You alwayswarmed up the room with your smile. Weappreciate your patience figuring out theconfusing activities ladder.Alaryellen-Thanks to you, we have learnedall there is to know about being lactose intolerant.I he student lite section was really great and weare sure it will win a lot of awards. We lovedhaving you on staff and know you will be great inwhatever you choose to do next year!236 eoTPic |
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Bloomington High School South |
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