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BELIEVE CHESS CLUB HAS HAD APOSITIVE IMPACT ON MY LIFE. BECAUSE ITHAS ALLOWED ME TO HAVE A SOCIAL LIFOUTSIDE OF MY HOMEWORK.-JUNIOR ISAAC SlMONELLIIFEWHAT WEVE DONE...PLAYED CHESS WITH PLAYERS OF ALLLEVELSLEARNED NEW TECHNIQUES FROMEACH OTHERTOOK TWO CHESS CLUB MEMBERS TOCOMPETITIONFront Row: Jan ShiiBack Row: Aaron Cnmelman. Daniel Bingham. Caitlin Watt, Aditi Deodhar.ampbell, Shane Bragman, Isaiah Merrian, Charlie Fairns. I joined Student Council to have a^SAY IN THINGS THAT GO ON AROUND THESCHOOL.■sophomore Sara MarquezWHAT WEVE DONE...organized many activities andfundraisers, such as theHomecoming and 70s dancesraised money for rlley childrenshospital and holiday childFront Row: Mary McKeen, Jessica Bush, Anna Hosey, Lara Mordoh, VanessaKhuong, Elizabeth Kenrick, Elisa Kravchuk, Sara Hunt, Melissa Young, RachelThomas, Danica Misz, Brooke Anderson, Jocelyn Goodmon, Evan Van Doren.Second Row: Rachel Ardery, Lacy Nowling, Lyndsey Kinser, MaryellenMcClain. Celina Jaffe, Sara Deckard, Jackie Duelmer.Keith Galyan. SaraMarquez, Megan Parmenter. Kelli Stevenson. Back Row: Bridget Johnson,Nate Clark, Molly Clark, Michelle Bower, Amber Hawkins, Ashley Hawkins.Drew Triplehorn. Laura Wall, Chloie Favinger, Jennifer Blackwell. Nathan Leiter,Ben Graves.chess clubContemplating his next move, senior Alex Jeffries watches as freshman Dante Overtonprepares to make his move. The chess club got together on Thursdays to improve their gameand have fun. Some club members went on to play in a competition.student councilPiJein/ «anu——*Getting ready for the 70s dance, seniors Melissa Young and Sara Hunt wrap crepe paperaround the columns in the cafeteria. Student Council sponsored dances and many otheractivities throughout the year, including homecoming and winter court.iLocsupmai186 AGTPP/FS |
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Bloomington High School South |
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