Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2003, Page 181

Description: japan club![^IIreThe best part of Japan Club wasexperiencing another culture and at^the same time having a new insight into,american culture.- junior Josie MillerWHAT WEVE DONE...- HOSTED AN EXCHANGE STUDENT FROMJAPAN, AND GAVE THEM ANUNDERSTANDING OF AMERICAN HIGHSCHOOLS- held a Japan Day at South toeducate the school about japanFront Row: Aobo Zou, Hana Kim, Da-ln Park, Chris Simanton, MonicaWharton. Dakota Derryberry. Second Row: Sponsor Mrs. Yoshiko Cockerham,Charissa Day, Erin Harris, Josie Miller. Justin Laux. Pranav Kothare, LishaBeitvashahi. Back Row: Kayleigh Wilson, Jonathan Walker. Steven Shyu, ( h risMeadows. Oliver Fleener. Cindy Chen.Chatting whiletime at Obirinto host exchangreparing curry rice, seniors Kendrick Burke and Chris Meadows enjoy theirign School in Japan. Japan club took a trip to Japan last June and plannedge students in the spring. The trip was cancelled due to the war with Iraq.sIlatin clubThe foods class made us aRoman dinner complete with baklava.there was also a speaker dressed as A)Roman Soldier. It was really fun. .- senior Margie SmithWHAT WEVE DONE...■ went to a conference at north tohear a speaker and play gamessubmitted art for competitions andtook latin testsrsn.;e.Juniors Candice Vermillion and Evan Clough and sophomore Stephanie Goodman laugh asthey wrap sophomore Patrick Beard in toilet paper as part of an activity at a convention torLatin students at North.Front Row: Erin Weinheimer. Elizabeth Kenrick, Andrea Olges. CourtneyBiddle. Julia Franks. Alison Charles. Kirstin Smith, Deborah Southern. SecondRow: Melissa Buchtman, John Thomas, David Estes, Elisabeth Dyott, CandiceVermillion, Oriane Robison. Stephanie Goodman. Ben Graves. Third Row:Grant Hanson, Margie Smith, Charity Sears, Maria Okeke, Sarah Scott, MelissaBoyken, David Collins, Shane Bragman. Back Row: Parker Stogdill, RobBeckett, Melissa Young, Sarah Stowe, Sonya Hanson, Isaac Simoneh. AllisonSanford. Patrick Beard.mnHBBHwiGerman G/uk Japan Glub, French G/uk kat/n Glut181
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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