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By Allie BehneyImagine packing up and leavinghome to attend school for a year ina foreign country. This year, studentsfrom around the world have madethe long journey to America to attendhigh school at South.Foreign exchange students cameto the states for various reasons.I just wanted to experiencesomething new, senior Pal Kolstadsaid. He is from northern Norway,and jumped at the chance to go toschool in the U.S. I wanted to learnmore and see for myself what lifewas like here, Kolstad said.Senior Katharine Dobrick, fromHamburg, Germany, chose to live inthe U.S. with the same family thather uncle had previously stayed with.In eleventh grade at my school, itis common for students to leave andstudy abroad in a different country,Dobrick explained.When asked about the school itself,all of the exchange students seemedto agree that compared to theirnative schools, South was huge insize, numbers, and daily structure.At my school in Hamburg, we have20-minute breaks in between classes,Dobrick said.Although leaving home was adrastic change, students found manybenefits. I get homesick sometimes,but it is worth it because I get toexperience so much, Kolstad said.The school is very nice. It is new and modern,and has space for two gymnasiums and a largecafeteria. - senior Pal KolstadAt home we have a five-year school program instead of four years. [Also], itis two schools together that have about 800 people. We have no lockers andwe eat lunch after school is dismissed. - senior Vittorio DeBattistiForeign Fxchange FPIudenls? 51 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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