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BHBMHm|a«nWilli IN II*A< 1What are your feelings about the war with Iraq?Although disarmingSaddams [Hussein]nuclear weapons is animportant issue, I do notthink war will resolve thissituation. I honestly donthave an excellent idea tothis, but Im sure thisproblem can be resolvedin a more peaceful way.-sophomore Justin Lomaxdont support [President]Bush in many things hehas done and continuesto do, but I do support thewar in Iraq. Althoughmany people arequestioning his truemotives, the fact remainsthat the Iraqi people wi!be free from tyranny.-junior Stormie FoustOn one hand, I havefriends fighting in Iraq andI want to support them. Myheart drops every time Ihear about a death ontelevision. On the otherhand, I dont support[President] Bushs need topick a fight with Iraq wheninnocent civilians livesare at stake.-sophomore Diana Holdenfeel that the war wasnecessary for not only thesafety of the UnitedStates citizens, but to freethe Iraqi people. As forFrance, I wish they wouldthink back to the dayswhen the Nazis wereprancing around theirEiffel Tower, and whocame overseas to savethem.-junior Laramie Greenthink, no matter theactions we take or theconsequences of thoseactions, the mostimportant thing for us, ascitizens, is to support ourtroops.-sophomore Griffin LockIts not as if Im for war oranything, but I dont seeany other way out in thisconflict. If we leave[Saddam] Hussein alone,hell think he can get awaywith (literally) murder, andthats not right.Implementing a democraticform of government in Iraqis a good thing. Weregiving the people theirnatural right of freedom.-freshman RainelleBumbaughKilling is unethical, waris unethical, and theinvasion of Iraq isunethical.-freshman Matt JensenAs a Jew, this affairbrings something to mind.During the Holocaust,Americans didnt wantthe U.S. government toget involved. Its a goodthing for countlessfamilies, including mine,that the U.S. chose tointervene. Perhaps in theseveral years the Iraqiswill be saying the samething. I believe they will.-sophomore EstherWidlanskiAttending J^eace rally, junior Greer Mclntyreand her nrother, Fresca Sobrer keep warm in thefront of the courthouse. The rally was part of anational walkout held on March 5 to protest thewar. Although the majority of j^articipants werecollege^students and professors, some^high schoolstudents also attended the days events.war inIraq 37 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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