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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2003, Page 30

Description: LOTS of FunBy Allison Howell andRegina HarligWhat do you get when you combine three short-neckedbuzzards, yuk buckets, and bug juice? Bradford Woods!Many seniors took the opportunity to experience beingcamp counselors for local fifth graders for a week. Seniorsapplied for the LOTS program (Leadership OpportunitiesThrough Service) the spring of their junior year. The lastweekend of summer, the accepted seniors attended atraining camp at Bradford Woods. Seniors chose toparticipate in this program for a variety of reasons.I love kids, Ive had past camp experiences; I was anassistant counselor for the past three years, senior JerilynKremer said.While being at Bradford Woods, some seniors formed aspecial bond with their campers. I liked my kids a lot, Iliked Cameron a lot. He was autistic, and really bonded withme. He always wanted to hold my hand wherever we went,senior Erin Combs said.As the week carried on, some senior counselors began tonotice some amusing behavioral patterns of the campers.The boys try to be hard around the guys, but they get allshy and quiet around the girls, senior Josh Burnworth said.For senior Rachael Webb, her time at Bradford Woodswas well spent getting to meet new people and [having]new experiences.ill*?* lljiicDirected by North student Charles Sloan, senior Shane Bragman and other counselors^mimic a giant centipede during their skit. Every cabin performed a prepared skit.30 5FUDFNFLIFFI definitely preferred beinga counselor because whenI was in fifth grade, I had asprained ankle and the flu.- senior Lyndsey Kinser
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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